Working with “difficult” people and “OK” communication 2013-09-30T10:07:50+00:00

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Difficult and demanding people come to our workplace daily, whether they are your co-workers or your clients and are unhappy for some reason. Difficult people will not miss a chance to complain about your products or services. How do you deal with them and how do you normally communicate with them?

Difficult people are everywhere, and often in our closest environment. Who they are, how to recognize them and how to deal with them? What to do when there is a conflict with such people? During this training, you will learn how to recognize your own functional and your own destructive behaviors and communication habits. We’ll teach you what is a “Management Coral” and where on its spectrum you are.

During the training, we will do simulations and role plays with the aim of resolving existing conflicts in the organization. The main purpose of this simulation will be to observe and improve the customer relationship by having trainers actively directing members to have an effective interpersonal communication. Also, the training is full of group and individual activities, audio-visual, and other useful materials.

Learning Objectives:
Learning how to successfully communicate with difficult and demanding individuals.

What will you learn:

How to handle difficult people?
Types of difficult people
Our Typical reactions vs. Functional reactions
Indicators of Conflict
Conflict dynamics
Constructive and Efficient behavior in Conflict situations
Characteristics of Difficult Clients: Bulldozers, Balloons, Indecisive, Super-nice & Friendly, Aggressive, Critics, Negatives
OK Management Coral – the basis of modern management every manager should know! [/list]

*Simulation of a real conflict situation with the objective of observing the participants in dealing with clients (personality structure) and their everyday communication; conflict-resolution style. Group activity.

Who is this training for:

This training is for all types of companies (organizations) because every organization has their own “difficult” client, but it is particularly useful for:

Customer Service people whose work involves problem resolution
Judiciary / Judiciary Training Centers-because there, everyone has a reason to become “difficult”
All forms of business window
Managers and heads of departments, who often communicate under pressure and deadlines
Anyone who wants to learn how to communicate more easily when the other party cannot or does not know how to! [/list]


1.5 days- theory and practical work / group activities.
This training can be combined with other training programs such as “Principles of Effective Communication” and / or “Customer Service” and / or “Conflict Resolution”. It is closely related to our course “Seven Profiles of Difficult People” and as such, it is advisable to combine these two. Combined training will give you the multidisciplinary knowledge and skills to recognize difficult people, to prevent conflict with them and to resolve the conflict in the most appropriate way.

Combined trainings can last from 3-7 days (4hrs per day) depending on the number of selected courses. Training courses are selected together with and according to the client’s needs.
Working on weekends is also an option.